The Health Benefits of Gelatin

An Apple a Day

A few months back I wrote a series of blog posts about the healing properties of bone broth (you can start reading these here). This week, I wanted to talk more about a “spin-off” of bone broth called gelatin.

First things first…

What the heck is Gelatin?

Gelatin is essentially a powder, that when combined with hot water, makes a liquid turn to jelly (anyone else having childhood flashbacks?… “I like aer-o-plane jel-ly, aer-o-plane jel-ly for mee…”:))

To be more specific, gelatin is a collection of amino acids (amino acids make up proteins), predominantly glycine and proline (but also include other amino acids like that of glutamine, valine and more), that are found in the connective tissue of animals

What are the heath benefits? 

And more!

How do they extract it? 

The art of gelatin extraction involves a process similar to bone broth. The process begins by boiling the bones, extracting the amino acids, before (here’s where things get a little different) evaporating the liquid and then grinding the gelatin into a powder for use.

As always, not all gelatin is created equal. As such, you need to be careful where you’re sourcing your gelatin from as some manufacturers have been known to soak the bones in calcium hydroxide or other acid solutions. Others use bones of lesser quality (you can read all about why this is important here).

Do we need these amino acids?

Glycine and Proline can be made in the human body under normal circumstances however, during times of stress and illness, the body’s natural ability to produce these amino acids may reduce. Other amino acids found in gelatin, like that of lysine, isoleucine, leucine and valine cannot be made in the body and therefore must be ingested via protein sources.

Does Gelatin contain Collagen?

Essentially gelatin and collagen contain the same amino acids (building blocks to protein) however, hydrolysed collagen is processed in a way which breaks these amino acids into smaller pieces, giving them a slightly different chemical structure. For some, hydrolysed collagen is easier to digest (as you’re skipping a step in digestion), but in terms of nutrient content they are very similar.

Where can I get my hands on some Gelatin?

My favourite source of gelatin is from home-made bone broth however, it’s not always accessible hence, I’ve opted for a gelatin powder on occasion.

I’ve personally used three varieties of powdered gelatin however, there is only one brand that ticks all of the organic, ethically raised, chemical free, preservative free, additive free, Australian owned boxes. This brand is Changing Habits Gelatin Powder, featured right.

How do I eat it? 

This is by far the best part (and if I’m honest, one of the main reasons for this post). You can use gelatin in a number of ways, to make Panna Cotta, cheesecakes and even my gut healing gummies.

PLEASE NOTE: I am an affiliate of Changing Habits however, I take my role as a blogger very seriously and only recommend products that I have personally researched and trust. You can view my stance on sponsored posts and advertising here.


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Meet Alyse

I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.