Drink a Glass of Water


One of the most common questions I am asked is what brand of water filter do I recommend? In a bid to help manage the masses, I’ve popped my favourites below.




I feel that many of us can benefit from water filtration, however I will always recommend water filters to all patients considering pregnancy: 

  • study published in the JAMA Paediatrics suggested that maternal exposure to higher levels of fluoride during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years




This desktop water jug is budget friendly and a perfect place to start.


  • Holds approximately 1L of water
  • Easy to refill and perfect to have on your desk whilst you work
  • Easy to take with you as you move between work, home and even a weekend away.


  • It is made from plastic.




After much research I’ve finally landed on this bench-top water filter.


  • It’s made from glass (no BPA)
  • According to the retailer, reduces 99.99% of fluoride, chlorine and heavy metals.
  • They have a number of sizes available to suit different budgets.
  • Can be taken with you if you move house.


  • It does take up a lot of bench space. 




I’m not going to lie, searching for an under-sink filter was tough. None of them are as effective as the bench-top water filter (listed above) in removing water impurities however, this one came close: Waters Co BioMax Under Sink Filter.

Being new to the market, we couldn’t find may reviews so we decided to take a chance and dive in.


  • No bench clutter – this filter is completely hidden away from sight.
  • It was the ONLY under sink filter I could find that didn’t use aluminium (one of the metals we’re trying to avoid) to remove impurities from our drinking water. Crazy, I know.
  • Filters last 2-3 years before a replacement is required.
  • Marketing states that it “removes up to 99.9% fluoride, micro plastics, pesticides, pathogens, viruses, organic & inorganic chemicals, micro organisms, heavy metals including lead, copper, aluminium, mercury and others”. I have asked for the report, I am still waiting to hear back. 


  • It’s worth noting that the water pressure is reduced due to 4 stage filtration process (AKA it takes a little longer to fill up your water bottle)
  • There is no filter tap included in the purchase price. You can pick this up from any hardware or plumbing store for around $120 however, it does add to the price. We saw this as an opportunity to purchase a 3 way filter tap from ABI interiors (extra $$$) to match our kitchen space and prevent having an extra hole drilled through the bench-top itself, so not necessarily a “con” but more work and expenditure involved nonetheless.


We have Nature’s Sunshine Sprite Shower Filter at home and love it. Since installing it the water has become much softer and we’ve noticed a significant reduction in the smell of chlorine each time we wash.


  • Zero chlorine smell when bathing – BLISS.
  • Adding this shower filter is incredibly easy, it fits EVERY shower, is easily removable (so perfect for a rental) and lasts up to 1 year before it needs replacing.


  • It can add a bit of bulk to your shower head but it’s easy to get used to.
  • Replacement filter is recommended every 12 months, but these are at reduced costs.


I’ll be the first to admit that drinking Queensland tap water took some getting used to – I’ve lived around Australia and in my personal opinion, it’s not the tastiest. As such, my quest for water filters began sooner rather than later. However, I’m disappointed to say that none of the above filters were able to remove the “taste” of Queensland water, despite their lengthy filtration process.  As such, I’ve personally moved to purchasing local spring water for drinking & using the above filters (under sink filter + shower filter) for cooking and showering.   


  • It tastes delicious – honestly, DELICIOUS. 
  • The company I use is pulled directly from a local spring in the nearby hinterland – less “food miles”
  • The company I use is regularly tested for impurities and passes with flying colours. 


  • Refilling bottles is one extra step in our day to day lives – however, we’re fortunate enough that we have ample places we can refill nearby, one of which is open 24/7. We’ve also purchased 3 large re-fillable bottles which means it’s a once per week job. 
  • The bottles are made of plastic, but if this concerns you, storing your water in a ceramic water filter base will mean you’re easily able to avoid that problem long term. 


I’m not sure if this is a PRO or a CON, so I’ve listed it separately. The initial cost of the refillable containers was approximately $20 per bottle. When refilled they’re approximately $11 per 15L. We use approximately 35L-40L per week with a family of 3. 

I’m the first to admit that there are a number of factors to consider when purchasing a water filter for your home; one that can often lead to “analysis paralysis” (i.e. you’re overwhelmed by the options and as such, you ignore this until a later date). If this sounds like you, I’d recommend starting small and as you begin to notice the difference in your water taste and texture you can build into the more expensive options with confidence.

Have I missed your favourite water filter? I’d love to know! Pop your recommendations in the comments below.


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Meet Alyse

I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.