Watermelon, Rockmelon & Honeydew Granita


I had my first granita when I was in Europe on a hot summer’s day, it was lemon flavoured and tasted AH-MAZING (as does everything in Europe). From that moment, I knew I was hooked, but realised very quickly, it wasn’t just a matter of lemon, sugar and ice! 

As I started investigating the ins and outs of a traditional and then a commercial granita, I was a little taken aback by the various colours and flavours used to create an aesthetically pleasing dessert. 

One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was back home blending and freezing three of the most beautiful summer melons to create not only a visually stunning dessert, but one that is packed full of natural flavour and nutrients. And if that wasn’t enough, I added naturally sweet and hydrating Coconut Water to the mix to ensure we weren’t missing out on any valuable electrolytes. Win? Yes. 

Pfft… who needs artificial colours and flavours when nature tastes this good? 🙂 


  • Whilst I’ve only listed the recipe for Watermelon Granita below, you can easily substitute rockmelon and/or honey dew into this recipe for a variety of colours and flavours.
  • If you want to cut corners,  you don’t have to flake the frozen mixture every hour – stretching it out to every 2-3 hours is fine. Whilst you won’t achieve the same desired texture, it will still taste delicious, I promise. 🙂 
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Watermelon, Rockmelon and Honeydew Granita

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  • Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes


Units Scale
  • 1 kg watermelon
  • 1/41/2 cup coconut water (depending on how sweet you like it)
  • Juice of 2 fresh lime


  1. Dice watermelon into small 2cm x 2cm cubes, removing skin.
  2. In a blender, add all ingredients and pulse until they become liquid.
  3. Line a large baking dish with baking paper (this will help leverage the frozen granita out of the container once set).
  4. Freeze for 2 hours or until just beginning to freeze. Using a fork, flake mixture (scrape fork across the toto break up ice crystals starting to form. Freeze for 4 hours, flaking mixture every 1 hour, or until completely frozen. Serve immediately.


Whilst I’ve only listed the recipe for Watermelon Granita below, you can easily substitute rockmelon and/or honey dew into this recipe for a variety of colours and flavours.

If you want to cut corners,  you can avoid flaking the mixture every hour. Whilst you won’t achieve the same desired texture, it will still taste delicious, I promise. 🙂 

  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 60 minutes
  • Category: Dessert, Drinks
  • Cuisine: Dairy Free, Gluten Free

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I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.