As the blog continues to grow and the number of advertising and sponsorship requests ramp up, I realise that this post is well overdue. I’ve been wanting to write this post for a long time and for some reason, today just felt like the right time to do it.
Recently, I have witnessed a wellness coach/blogger/social media star promote a product that didn’t align with her said values. I don’t know why she did it but I saw straight through it and consequently, I began to question everything she had ever promoted in the past. I don’t want that for my blog, I don’t ever want my readers to feel this way about me and as a result, I wanted you all to understand my position on advertising and sponsored posts.
I started this blog (and business) for a number of reasons, but essentially it was because I was tired of being lied to. I was frustrated with the lack of transparency in the nutrition stakes, I was tired of listening to the spiel about the latest crazes, fads and products, I wanted real answers, I wanted real results and I wanted to help people (including myself) REALLY feel better.
As a result, I set out to create an environment where I could be open and honest as I liked. Yes, I have ruffled a few feathers along the way, but I honestly love that my blog creates discussion, I love that it inspires people to live healthier lives, but what I love most is that my readers trust me and I want nothing more than for that to continue.
In an ideal world, I would continue to write this blog and share all of my nutrition advice for free. I would consult for free (yes, I love my job that much), I wouldn’t have to sell space on my blog to advertisers and we could all live happily ever after. But, as you all know, an ideal world, isn’t one that we live in. My blog is very fast becoming my commercial reality and as such, I want you all to be aware of the structure I am putting in place. That’s right, I’m laying it all on the table…
My Recommendations Are My Own
All recommendations and reviews across both my blog and social media accounts are my own. I share my own experiences.
If for some reason I cannot use the product or service (i.e. I’m dairy intolerant), yet the product aligns with my brand and my message, I am happy to recommend this product to my readers if and only if it will provide them with some benefit. However I will always stipulate that this is the case within the respective post – this hasn’t happened yet however, I thought it was best to disclose this.
I am not paid for reviews
I am not paid for reviews however, if I have received a product sample or have been invited to experience a service for free and then I review this, this will be mentioned in the respective post.
There have been situations where I have received a product or service for free AFTER I have paid for the product and reviewed it off my own back – I guess this might be a way of saying thank you. This gift may be shared on my social media pages with reference to the review post.
I do use affiliate programs
Changing Habits and Biome Eco Stores (featured in the panel to your right) are all examples of my affiliate programs on my website and as a result, I make a commission when readers choose to buy the product/service via my site. As per the above, I only engage in affiliate programs when:
- I have personally used the product or service
- I would recommend the product or service to my family and friends
- The product or service aligns with my brand and my message
- If for some reason I cannot use the product (i.e. I’m dairy intolerant), yet the product aligns with my brand and my message, I am happy to recommend this product however I will stipulate that this is the case.
Sponsored Posts and Features
I am not against sponsored posts or features as long as they tick the following boxes:
- I have personally used the product or service
- I would recommend the product or service to my family and friends
- The product or service aligns with my brand and my message
- If for some reason I cannot use the product (i.e. I’m dairy intolerant), yet the product aligns with my brand and my message, I am happy to recommend this product however I will stipulate that this is the case.
In saying that, if I were to engage in a sponsored post, this would be clearly listed at the top of the post, I promise you – no shady business here.
I am very selective on the brands I choose to advertise
As I move deeper into the world of blogging, I am very selective about the brands I choose to advertise on my site. I place the integrity of my brand above all else and as such, all advertisements will have to tick the following boxes:
- I have personally used the product or service
- I would recommend the product or service to my family and friends
- The product or service aligns with my brand and my message
- If for some reason I cannot use the product (i.e. I’m dairy intolerant), yet the product aligns with my brand and my message, I am happy to recommend this product however I will stipulate that this is the case within the respective post.
Yes, this does mean that I have turned down a number of very lucrative marketing and advertising deals in the past, but I’m willing to do this in order to maintain the integrity of my site. I guess you could say that marketing and advertisers that do tick the above boxes get the added benefit knowing that my readers trust my opinion and that both myself and my readers have an honest relationship.
I ask all marketing and PR firms to check with me first
I make a point of encouraging readers to live a holistic and balanced life. I discourage the use of chemicals, I promote the importance of real food and after several years of modelling, I am that anti quick fixes, it’s ridiculous. As a result, whilst I appreciate the interest, I am constantly turning down products and services and marketing opportunities that do not align with my brand. In saying that, I encourage all PR and Marketing representatives to contact me prior to sending out samples. This will save time, money and postage miles. Having said that, I am very grateful when consideration and care is taken before products and services are shared with me (and I know my readers love something that will make their life easier).
Last but not least, I am not a doctor
It is important to note that I am NOT a trained medical professional; rather, a wellness advocate and holistic lifestyle coach accredited under the C.H.E.K Institute. Therefore anything written by myself on this site is my own researched opinion and not advice from a trained doctor or medical professional.
This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Always check with your health professional before taking any products or following any advice that you believe may conflict with other forms of health care. Always consult your health care professional before you start, stop or change anything that has been previously prescribed.
If there is anything I have missed or anything that you feel like you need further clarification on, please be sure to let me know and I will clear it up ASAP!
Well said Alyse! Love your work…as always 🙂 Thanks for all you do to educate and assist others. Really appreciate it.
Love this it’s the exact reason I’ve devoted time energy and study to businesses, sick of being manipulated and lied to too! Love your work Alyse! X
I have so much respect for people who stand by their morals, even if it means saying no to certain things (companies, products, money) or standing alone. All power to you lady!
Well said!
This is really great to hear, stand by your morals!
Thanks Evana!
Thanks Simone!
Thanks so much Clare. If we don’t have our morals, what do we have really?
Thanks for your ongoing support Di! It means a lot! x
Great post Alyse, would love to know which social media star you were talking about!
Hi Hayley,
Thanks so much for the feedback. I would prefer not to mention their name – in no way do I want to start a war, it was just an observation that led me to put in place some of my own boundaries and share them with my readers 🙂