For those of you who are searching for Christmas gifts for a simpler 2019, look no further. Health is wealth my friends, and these are my top picks (in no particular order).
For my prospective patients who have been putting their health on hold for the last few months/years, there’s no time like the present.
For existing patients, this is a great way to ensure that nothing comes between you and your health journey. Buying a gift voucher may help keep you accountable and/or buying a gift voucher for a loved one will mean you have someone to share the journey with. I’ve got gift vouchers available for purchase here.
Whilst disposable coffee cups have a major environmental impact, they also increase our exposure to BPA. BPA poses a major threat to our healthy hormonal balance and has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Reducing my patient’s exposure to BPA is always on the cards, so moving away from plastic products like that of coffee cups, is recommended.
Taking leftovers to work for lunch will not only save you $$ but also time and hassle. In a bid to avoid re-heating these leftovers in microwaves, I encourage my patients to buy a thermos ($30). It really is a game-changer and once you start doing it, you will wonder how you survived without it.
Antiperspirant deodorants use aluminium salts to block our sweat glands and deodorants work by affecting the bacterial balance of the skin (read more about this here). Either way, the chemicals used in conventional products are questionable and again, something I look to reduce in my patients lives. There are a number of wonderful natural deodorants out there, you can read all about my favourite deodorants here.
The pace of 2018 was FAST & we ALL (myself included) needed some help slowing down. Yoga, stretching, mindfulness, meditation (or a combination of these), are the fastest ways to do just this. Now, if you’re like so many of my patients, you’ll tell yourself you don’t need yoga, but if you’re like so many of my patients, you’ll come back and tell me you’re hooked. You can read all about the Get Bendy Poster from Elle Fit Active here or if you need another reason to consider yoga, you can check out how it can boost your digestion here.
I’m not going to go into the list of “substances” added to our water system (you can read more about this here), so let’s just agree that I am an advocate of water filtration. There are a number of units available, all of which vary considerably in price, here are my favourites: Water Filters.
When life gets busy, time in the kitchen takes a hit (even for us). This is the prime time to start slow cooking. I have the Sunbeam Secret Chef HP8555 and cannot rate it high enough. It’s a lifesaver! It means we can bulk prepare meals and freeze leftovers for a later date. Whilst you’re there, I recommend the Sarah Wilson Slow Cooker Cookbook – it’s got some great recipes!
According to the Environmental Working Group, women use an average of 12 products a day, containing 168 different chemicals. Imagine the total over the course of a year, let alone the course of a lifetime? Significant to say the least! Even just changing one product will reduce your total chemical load. The team at Clean Beauty Market have all you need and more!
We are exposed to copious amounts of blue light of an evening. This can affect the way we sleep and consequently, the food we eat, the way we feel, the way we think and over the long term, our gut health and hormone balance. One way we can reduce our blue light exposure is to install these apps. If we were travelling, working, or out of the house, purchasing a pair of blue light blockers might be the answer. You can read all about these here.
Whether it’s a walk on the beach, time in the mountains, a bubble bath or a good book, gift yourself the time to do the things you love (Netflix not included). Life is short, the pace is fast, take a step back and reward yourself with the things you love, you’ll only regret it if you don’t.
Have I missed your “MUST HAVE” gift for a healthier 2019? Tell me more in the comments below!