For those of you who know me, you will know that I spend most of my time discussing why it is SO important to avoid processed foods and opt for the real stuff. I have even written countless posts on how to spot the dodgy marketing claims and avoid being “green washed” (yes, that’s a real thing). It’s no secret that I am a real-food advocate and one of the many reasons why I was so excited to see “That Sugar Film” at the Gold Coast premiere last week.
So what’s it all about? To sum it up, the film follows the journey of a very brave director Damon Gameau, who puts himself through the paces of the average Australian, consuming 40 teaspoons of sugar everyday, for 60 days total. Think “Supersize Me” for sugar consumption and whilst you’re there add a little “Jamie Oliver’s Real Food Revolution” into the mix.
Now, before you switch off and say you’re not the type who consumes 40 teaspoons of sugar a day (and well, OF COURSE eating 40 teaspoons of sugar is going to make you sick), Damon does this experiment using only those foods that many of us perceive to be healthy: low fat yoghurt, healthy breakfast cereals, apple juice, muesli bars and so on. This means no chocolate, no confectionary, no soft drinks, no ice-cream. Think it’s impossible? Think again.
Who should see this film?
- Anyone that eats cereal, toast or low fat yoghurt for breakfast
- Anyone that enjoys apple juice, orange juice or well, any type of juice
- Anyone that considers a muesli bar or nut bar a healthy snack option
- Anyone with food cravings
- Anyone that says eating healthy is too expensive
- Anyone trying to lose weight
- Anyone trying to stay healthy
- Anyone who works out at a gym
- Anyone who uses pre-packaged sauces for stir-fries, chicken dishes or main meals
- Anyone who has tried countless times to lose weight and has had no luck
- Anyone looking to control their hunger
- Any Australian (there are parts of this film that leave you outraged and very emotional)
- Any American… heck any international.
- Anyone with children or grandchildren
- Anyone looking to become a parent
- Anyone confused about what is healthy and what is not
- Anyone wanting to live their best life possible
I guess you could say that anyone and everyone should see this film and I have to say that I probably would agree with you. What this film says in 90 minutes is the kind of thing I rabbit on about all day long only this time, with the colourful and humorous touch of Damon Gameau – a real-life test dummy.
A huge shout-out to Damon. I take my hat off to you. What you put your body though for the sake of educating the general public, wow. You’re a lot braver than I am.
For those of you who are a little concerned about whether or not you want to know what’s really going into your favourite packaged foods, I can assure you that this film doesn’t use scare tactics to get it’s message across. This film simply educates everyone and anyone who takes the time to watch it. What you do with that information after you view it, is completely your decision.
For all of those wondering, yes I still eat fruit. As mentioned in the film, sugar has a place in the diet however it’s the overconsumption that leads us down the dark and windy road. Like I said (and as Damon clearly demonstrates in the film), real whole food always wins, hands down.
For a full list of viewing times, you can head to the “That Sugar Film” website.
Have you seen it? I would love to know your thoughts…
I honestly can’t wait to see this movie, Sugar has been super addictive to me and I’m slowly weaning myself off it.
That’s great news Michelle! I have no doubt that you will love this film, it’s so very well done 🙂