Creating a vision board is easily the most exciting part of goal setting. This board will serve as motivation long throughout the year, so it’s best to do it properly. How to get started on yours, is up on the blog.
Its that time of year again and everywhere we look hot celebrity bikini bodies and six packs all splashed over the covers of glossy magazines. Ever found yourself flicking through these covers at the checkout and asking yourself, at what point did I forget to follow through with my beach bod transformation?
So many of us set goals and inevitably fail. We work hard for the first few days, then challenges of everyday life get in the way: We spend those holiday savings on a new outfit, we skip that workout, we eat that piece of cake… all with the intention of getting back on track tomorrow. Unfortunately many of us never do and we end up right back where we started. What if each and everyday you were able to fuel your motivation to succeed? Would you lose sight of your goals if they were staring right back at you?
This brings us to day 3 of goal setting. By now we should have a hard copy of our goals, as well as an action plan listing the why, where, when and who will help us get there. Today we set out to create a vision board.
A vision board is typically a poster board on which you arrange images and/or quotes that represent your goals for the year ahead.
The idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images or quotes of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to holiday, these images serve as a tool to keep you inspired, keep you on track, and keep you motivated.
What you will need:
Buy a corkboard or even a piece of cardboard from your local newsagents, and pin or stick your images and quotes to it. You can also create a vision board online using Google Picasa. Save this vision board to your computer desktop, place it above your desk, inside your bedroom mirror or on the fridge. Each and everyday you will feel inspired to continue working towards your goals.
Enjoy the experience, creating a vision board is actually a lot of fun! My vision board is half way done, I need a few more quotes to sum up my journey for the year. I have used an example of a vision board above for you to take a look see. Good luck!