Surviving the Holiday Season – Part 2

To finish off for the year, I have included my last few tips for surviving the festive season! You can find part 1 of this series here.


Ever heard the rationale, 4 grams of sugar is equivalent to 1 teaspoon sugar? Based on this information, do you know how many teaspoons of sugar you are consuming in one can of soft drink? Have a look below:

  • Coca-Cola – 35g of sugar or ~ 9 teaspoons
  • Sprite – 35g of sugar or ~ 9 teaspoons
  • Schwepps Agrum – 28g of sugar or ~ 7 teaspoons
  • Fanta 22.8g of sugar or ~ 6 teaspoons
  • Schwepps Indian Tonic water – 12g of sugar ~ 3 teaspoons
  • Natural Mineral Water – 0g of sugar

These figures listed above reflect 1 can of soft drink and will certainly add up after 1, 2 or even 10 drinks. Would you add 9 teaspoons of sugar to your coffee?

If you are looking for alternatives, opt for sparkling water, natural mineral water AND/OR attempt to “Pimp” Your Water with the following recipes.


I was um-ing and ahh-ing about posting this information. I know we have all heard it before, but come Christmas time, we tend to indulge in a little more seafood and poultry so I thought it was fitting. It is so important to eat a diet rich in nutrients and as always, this begins with the source.

Wild fish are designed to eat smaller marine life, plankton and sea vegetables. Commercially farmed fish are usually fed a diet that consists predominantly of grains and soy pellets.

Turkey and Chickens are designed to forage for foods, eating a wide variety of insects, plant matter, seeds, small snails, worms and slugs. Commercially raised turkey and chicken are fed grains such as wheat and corn, soy pellets and the like.

Pigs are also designed to forage for food. They do not a diet based on grains and corn. Yep, commercially raised pigs are fed a diet predominantly of wheat and corn.

Cows & Sheep are designed to eat grass. Commercially raised cows are often fed a diet of grains (wheat and corn) to make them fat.

Using humans as an example, when we eat a diet rich in the wrong foods, what happens? We get sick. With little room to exercise and the wrong diet, these commercially raised animals can get very sick. They are all (YES, FISH INCLUDED) fed a variety of antibiotics and other drugs to get them over the line and ready for market.

This Christmas, opt for the healthy, strong robust animals and avoid picking off the sick ones for maximum nutritional value. To help create the feeling of satiety, proteins should make up 50% of your plate, followed by 50% delicious seasonal veg!


So many people ask me how I survive going to friends and families places for lunch, dinner or any meal when they aren’t on the same page as I am food wise. It is simple, I always take a plate to share.

With a host of delicious menu items come Xmas day, sticking to a simple meal of protein, good fats and vegetables can be a little harder than normal. One way to keep yourselves on track is simply variety.

Tempt everyone’s taste buds with one or two new salad combinations. Let them feast upon an array of colourful fresh vegetables, using an abundance of seasonal produce. Experiment with roast vegetables even quinoa. I have included a few different salad combinations in my new cookbook including avocado and mango salad (pictured) that pairs perfectly with seafood feasts.

At our Christmas lunch, we always have more than one salad available. It adds variety and gorgeous colour to the table. Each year we try something new and our guests are always asking for recipes. Remember, vegetables don’t have to be boring!


If you have followed all the previous steps – made your own dips full of good fats, started your meal off with protein, kept away from the wheat based crackers and breads and loaded up on salads and you still have room, by all means enjoy dessert. My raw lemon & raspberry cheesecake is a delicious option, or my white christmas balls. But if fruit pudding is your thing, by all means, enjoy yourself. That’s what the holiday season is all about.


While we have been focusing on how to incorporate nutritious food into the xmas menu, why not look at ways of incorporating more movement:

  1. A family game of backyard cricket
  2. Friendly game of Tennis at your local court
  3. Afternoon match of Lawn Bowls
  4. Kick a football or a friendly touch rugby match
  5. Take the dog down to your local beach for a walk.
  6. Bike Rides (google: bike tracks in your state)
  7. Game of Frisbee at your local park
  8. Beach Volleyball (St Kilda Beach offer community matches)
  9. Afternoon playing (not watching) the kids in the pool
  10. Indoor Rock Climbing Centres
  11. SUP (Stand up Paddle boarding) or Learn to Surf

Even giving the gift of movement: Cricket Sets (Kmart $25), Totem Tennis Game (Kmart $12), a Frisbee, Soccer Ball… The list goes on.

There are plenty of ways to get active, just think about moving rather than sitting and observing. Get involved in a new activity and use your holidays to start a new way of life.


At the end of the day, time with family and friends, relaxing by the pool or down at the beach, reading a good book and unwinding, is what this break is all about. Switch off your phone and be present in celebrating the year that was. You won’t regret it.

Merry Christmas Everyone x

1 Comment

  1. Allie

    Wow, wonderful weblog. And Merry Christmas!


  1. Surviving the Holiday Season - Part 1 - An Apple a Day Nutrition - […] You can read part 2 of this post here. […]

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Meet Alyse

I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.