Well hi there; it’s been awhile! First of all I want to thank all of those for the messages of concern - I’m alive and well 🙂 Over the last 14 weeks, I decided to take a step back from the blog...
Food & Nutrition
What’s with all the different coloured lattes?
I LOVE a Turmeric Latte, I'm not going to lie, but recently I was shocked to find not one, but four different kinds of lattes (aside from the traditional cafe latte) on the menu. What in the world...
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have been around for awhile now, so we all know they're high in fibre, high in protein... blah blah blah. But did you know that we almost lost the mighty Chia Seed for good? Or the Omega...
Is your coffee habit affecting your health?
Is your coffee habit affecting your health? As a practicing health coach and studying nutritionist, I ask this question a lot. I love coffee as much as the next person and I wish I could tell...
20 Foodie Lessons I’ve learned whilst travelling the world
Throughout the last 9 years, I’ve been incredibly fortunate in travelling to 18 different countries, across 5 different continents. As a result, I’ve learnt a few valuable lessons when it comes to...
Gluten Free Sausage Rolls
I love home-made sausage rolls. I remember making them as children, it was always in the cooler months and we'd enjoy eating them with the rain pouring outside. As the weather started to cool down,...
Bones & Bone Broth – What You Need To Know
Want to get started on Bone Broth, but not sure what bones to buy? Don't worry, I get this question A LOT; so I thought it would be a good idea to put everyone on the same page. Before we get...
6 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Many of us know that dark chocolate is of course "better" for us, but we aren't really sure why. With Easter around the corner and our chocolate consumption set to sky rocket, I thought it might be...
Where to Eat, Sleep and Explore in Peru – Lima
If you follow me on social media, you'll know that my husband and I packed our bags and journeyed across the Pacific Ocean to South America for a month last year. Whilst we love each and every...
How to store Olive Oil
Olive oil. Who doesn't love it? whether it be drizzled over a summer salad, your go to substitute for butter or spreads, or a fundamental ingredient to your favourite dressing (mixed with lemon...
Why I’m intrigued by a Negroni
Over the years, I've become a huge fan of a Negroni. Some might say it's a bitter cocktail, but it's perfect over ice, contains no added mixers and the "medicinal" (and I use that term lightly)...
The Healthy Service Station has arrived!
Whenever we do a road trip, we think ahead. We take as much fresh food as we can and jam pack it into our esky (like a game of Tetris), because let’s face it, this isn’t a whole lot of real food on...
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Meet Alyse
I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.