I purchased a huge box of strawberries from the markets last weekend for $15 (I know, what a bargain!). I came home with every intention of freezing them for smoothies and desserts before I realised...
Roast Pumpkin & Cashew Dip
Pumpkins are well and truly in season and rich in flavour throughout the winter months. As a result, we've been mixing up our traditional breakfast, lunch and platters with one of my favourite...
Watermelon, Rockmelon & Honeydew Granita
I had my first granita when I was in Europe on a hot summer's day, it was lemon flavoured and tasted AH-MAZING (as does everything in Europe). From that moment, I knew I was hooked, but realised...
Taste Like “Snickers” Balls
Not so long ago I asked my sister to recipe test these 'Taste like 'Snickers' Balls for me. She accepted the challenge and I didn't expect to hear from her for a few days. At 9.45pm that very same...
Immunity Boosting Tea
As children, whenever we would come down with a cold, my parents would quickly prepare us a lemon and honey tea. Call me crazy, but I used to think it was one of the hidden perks of having a cold...
Strawberry and Cream Smoothie Recipe
I had to use up some fresh strawberries this morning so I opted to make a delicious "strawberries and cream" smoothie. As I through a bunch of ingredients into the blender, I have to say that I was...
Hydrating Green Smoothie
I was just sifting through my goodie bag from yesterday's food styling workshop and found a Natural Raw C freebie! To be honest, it couldn't have come at a better time; I'm absolutely wrecked...
Chocolate Buckwheat Crackles
Watching my husband's football game from the couch this afternoon and decided I would treat myself to one of my latest obsessions: nutritious Chocolate Buckwheat Crackles! You can thank me later :)...
Whole Food Hot Cross Buns – 2 delicious recipes
OK, I'll be honest, it's taken me endless attempts to perfect these Hot Cross Bun recipes. I've tried everything and anything, I've started from scratch, combined existing recipes, adapted my own...
White Christmas IncrediBALLS
These 'White Christmas Incrediballs' make a wonderful addition to any Christmas feast (the little specks of deep pink cranberries and white coconut flakes means they will even match your decor!)....
Salted Caramel Smoothie
What's not to love about this Salted Caramel Smoothie? Grab your ingredients and your blender and turn those sugar cravings up-side down.
Vanilla Chia Pudding
Whether you are looking for a delicious breakfast option, a simple but delicious dessert recipe or a quick afternoon snack (a personal favourite here at 'An Apple a Day HQ'), my Vanilla Chia Pudding...
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Meet Alyse
I’m a qualified Nutritionist who believes an evidence-based approach to modern nutrition is severely under-rated. Patients are so often left in the dark when it comes to health-care and as a firm believer in the old saying “knowledge is power”, my ultimate goal is to provide my readers, students and patients with clear and actionable advice that ultimately helps you reach your full potential.